Class of 2025


Graduation is May 3th at 6:00PM AT THE wETUMPKA hIGH sCHOOL GYMNASIUM

Civics Assessments

Make-Up Civics Assessment for Seniors: April 24, 2025

Graduation Information

Order Pick-Up: Pick-up orders at The Edge building on March 17th at 11:00am or any day after

Required Graduation Ceremony Practice Tuesday May 13, 2025 @ 10:00-11:00 AM

Wetumpka High School GYM

Casual dress/no cap and gown

Graduation Ceremony Tuesday May 13, 2025 at 6:00

Wetumpka High School GYM

Dress code: Boys- collared shirts/dress pants/dress shoes

                      Girls- dresses/dress shoes 


 Documents for Seniors


Seniors are required to complete either a FASFA application OR an Opt-Out form. Please email
to request an Opt-Out form.  The FASFA application link is below.

If needed, the FAFSA site can be translated into Spanish by clicking the link in the very top right corner of the website


FAFSA Instructions for Students Who Are US Citizens (have an SSN or otherwise eligible non-citizen) and a Parent has an SSN Z
Follow the directions at

Check eligibility to complete the FAFSA as a non-US citizen at this link


FAFSA Instructions for Students who DO have an SSN (or are otherwise eligible), but parents DO NOT:

At this time, Federal Student Aid recommends that the parent without an SSN begin the FAFSA process by creating their FSA ID and beginning the FAFSA at  The next step is to verify the parent account using knowledge-based questions, if available.  These are in lieu of the SSN match and verification.  If no questions are available and the user’s identity cannot be verified, the parent will receive an email with instructions about what documents are needed and how to submit them to verify identity.  The parent WILL have access to the FAFSA form while their identity is being verified.  When they begin their portion of the application, the parent will log in to enter their information and invite their student to the application.  The student may create their FSA ID at any time; however, they should wait until they receive an invitation from their parent to complete their portion of the FAFSA.


These 2 videos below walk a parent through the account creation process and starting the FAFSA if they do not have an SSN. 

(Links below are cued to the specific spot in the video where this situation is addressed)

Alabama Possible Cash for College FAFSA 101 -

How to Create a PARENT StudentAid.Gov Account without an SSN -


FAFSA Instructions for Students WITHOUT an SSN (or otherwise eligible):

Check eligibility to complete the FAFSA as a non-US citizen at this link.  If eligible, follow steps in directions above.  If not eligible, follow steps below.

Students without an SSN or otherwise have eligibility to receive federal financial aid cannot create an FSA ID, and, therefore, they cannot complete the FAFSA.  These students will need to sign the state waiver prior to graduation.  If they desire to pursue other forms of financial aid for college, there are some resources available – links below.

Suggested Links for Seniors

Upcoming Events: Events Include All Grades


ENGLISH/MATH from 8:15am-11:05am

8:15 AM


ENGLISH/MATH from 8:15am to 2:15pm BRING LUNCH

8:15 AM


ENGLISH/MATH from 8:15am-11:05am

8:15 AM